a spot for things I might want to remember

- Letters to Wendy's - Joe Wenderoth

A novel written on Wendy's comment cards over a year. Currently checked out at the umich library and due back February 13, 2023

- Woody Guthrie's New Years Rulin's

I'd run across this list of Woody Guthrie's 1943 new years resolutions in the past, but when I saw Josephine Rowe reference them on her Creative Independent interview, I figured I should keep this here. Favorite resolutions: 13, 15, 17, 26, 31, 32, 33

New years rulins

- Short essay by Toni Morrison on strangers and what we want them to be.


- Things: A Story of the Sixties/A Man Asleep - Georges Perec

Checked out of the Ugli but want to read.
